Ahmad Amiri

Ahmad has completed a Bachelor of Human Science majoring in human movement followed by a Master of Chiropractic. He has diverse experience as a sports trainer, strength and conditioning coach and also in residential aged care. His special interests include spinal conditions, movement analysis and musculoskeletal complaints of the peripheral joints. Ahmad has also undertaken additional study in the areas of vertigo, BPPV and vestibular rehabilitation. 

He is a firm believer in evidence-based care and continued professional development to ensure his patients receive the highest quality of care and education. Ahmad uses a combination of treatment techniques to get the best results for his patients including manipulation, mobilisation, dry needling and rehabilitation prescription.

Outside of the clinic Ahmad is a clinical supervisor at Macquarie University. When he’s not at work he spends his time weightlifting, bushwalking, playing soccer, travelling, reading and chasing after his young family.